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Blogs from July, 2020


What is a DNA paternity test?

Paternity testing using DNA is extremely confidential and accurate. Each person’s genetic profile is unique; a child’s DNA is comprised of 50% from their biological father and 50% from their biological mother. Results are obtained by testing a DNA sample from the child, mother, and alleged father. A paternity test can be performed without testing the mother; however, it is highly recommended to include the mother since her sample will greatly enhance the statistical value of the test and reduces the chances of obtaining inconclusive test results.

Why a DNA Paternity Test?

There are many reasons you may need a paternity test and the reasoning can help determine what type of test you need. If you are needing a test only for peace of mind and personal informational reasons, then the at home kit or non-legal Informational test will suffice. However, if you are needing a test for any type of legal reason, then a court admissible legal test should be ordered. There are a few reasons where a legal test would be required:

  • Custody and Child Support Cases

  • Immigration

  • Death Benefits (Social Security or Life Insurance)

  • Estate Settlement

How is a DNA Collection Performed?

A DNA test is quick and painless. A sterile swab is used to gently rub the inside of the cheek to collect skin cells that contain the unique DNA. A total of four swabs are used for each participating party. No blood draws are required and the DNA from the cheek’s skin cells are just as reliable and accurate as DNA in blood.

The only difference in an Informational test and a Legal test conducted at a lab is the paperwork involved, the collection and testing processes are exactly the same. In a legal test, copies of ID’s are made, current photos are taken of the parties involved. The chain of custody paperwork is maintained throughout the process of collection, and the packaging of samples. The result of this more in-depth process is a court admissible test.

Turnaround Times for Results

The at home test kits come with a prepaid envelope to send results directly to the lab. The turnaround time for receiving results can be up to 7-10 business days, sometimes longer. For tests done at a lab collection facility, the samples are usually shipped overnight to the lab and results for either the Informational test or Legal test are returned within 2 business days. For an extra cost results can be expedited to 1 business day or same day results.

Pre-Natal DNA Testing

If you are pregnant and need to conduct a paternity test, one alternative is a Non-Invasive Prenatal Test. This test can be performed as early as 8 weeks into the pregnancy. It requires a blood draw from the mother’s arm, from which the baby’s and mother’s DNA is extracted. The alleged father’s DNA is collected through a simple cheek swab. The DNA samples are then compared, and paternity is established. Results for this type of test usually take 3 weeks but can be expedited to be ready in as little as one week. Chain of custody paperwork is maintained throughout the process and the result of the test is court admissible.

Why Trust Fastest Labs to handle your DNA test?

At Fastest Labs, we use only the best, our DNA testing lab is one of the largest in the country and is AABB accredited, the gold standard when it comes to DNA paternity testing. Our certified collectors have been trained in the collection process, packaging and completing the required paperwork for maintaining Chain of custody for Legal tests. Your case is always handled with respect and confidentiality. We offer affordable prices, a simple payment plan for more expensive legal tests, and offer the fastest turnaround times in the industry. Your peace of mind, getting your paternity questions answered and answered quickly and correctly is important and we understand.

Common Questions

  • Q. What if one of the individuals being tested lives in another state?
  • A. We have collection sites throughout the United States and can coordinate a collection regarding the case.
  • Q. What if the alleged father is deceased or unavailable for testing?
  • A. If tissue or blood has been collected and saved (by medical examiner, hospital etc.) it can be tested for paternity. If no specimens are available for testing, paternity can be addressed by testing close relatives of the alleged father or uncontested siblings of child.
  • Q. How accurate is a DNA paternity test?
  • A. Testing at accredited laboratories result in tests being conducted twice usually by 2 different teams to verify results. With the advancement in technology and procedures DNA testing has better than a 99.5% accuracy rate.

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