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Blogs from June, 2023

Paternity testing is a common procedure used to determine the biological father of a child. The purpose of paternity testing is often to confirm or establish legal responsibility for child support or custody arrangements. As paternity testing becomes more popular, it's important to know what it involves, how it works, and where to get it.

What is Paternity Testing?

A paternity test is a type of DNA test used to establish the father of a child. The test involves sample collection from the two individuals involved, the potential father and child, which are then analyzed to determine if they are genetically related. Paternity tests are incredibly accurate in determining a child's father because of the nature of human DNA. Every individual is born with a unique set of genes encoded directly into their DNA. The genetic material of a parent and child is inherently connected since these genes are passed down from both parents. DNA paternity testing allows us to determine if two individuals share a similar DNA sequence, which, in turn, determines whether they are related. Current technology enables DNA paternity tests to achieve an accuracy rate of over 99.99%.

Reasons You Need a Paternity Test

There are many reasons why paternity testing is done.

Child Custody and Child Support

If the parents are not married at the time the child is born, a legal relationship must be established between the alleged father and the child before a court can approve a custody agreement or child support. In the event the couple was married at the time of conception or birth, then the man is automatically presumed to be the father by the legal system, and a paternity test may not be required.


Traditionally, a detailed paper trail has been required for the confirmation of a biological relationship for immigration purposes. Governments are now acknowledging that DNA testing is beneficial to the immigration process and will accept legal test results as proof of biological relationships. The most frequent reasons for immigration DNA testing are maternity and paternity, but sibling and grandparent testing can also be conducted.

Inheritance Rights

When an individual passes away, they may leave behind inheritance questions that must be addressed to ensure the estate is settled correctly. If a potential heir wishes to establish inheritance rights, a legal paternity test may be the best way to verify their claim of biological resemblance, especially if that resemblance is in the dispute or has not been automatically validated by the marriage of the parents.

Death Benefits

There are many assets that a deceased person can leave behind for his or her heirs in addition to money or belongings. Heirs may receive Social Security benefits or a life insurance payout. To ensure that claimants have a biological relationship with the deceased, the insurance company or government may order a legal paternity test. Compared to locating and providing paper documentation, this process is much simpler.

The Need to Know Our Roots

The desire to make a biological connection with someone who is related by DNA can be extremely strong for an individual who has been adopted or conceived with the aid of a donor. Many of our lab's clients are adults who have searched far and wide for their birth mothers or birth fathers. Adoptees who have found a possible father or mother often turn to DNA testing to verify their relationship. Most often, these tests are conducted for personal knowledge or peace of mind and do not require a witness. However, in some circumstances where benefits may be involved, a legal paternity test may be required.

How is Paternity Testing Done?

Paternity tests are reasonably simple, noninvasive procedures that require a minimal amount of involvement on the part of the individuals being tested. The entire process typically takes a matter of minutes, with results often available within 2-3 days. DNA testing is a quick and painless procedure. The skin cells containing the unique DNA are collected by gently rubbing the inside of the cheek with a sterile swab. We use a total of four swabs per participant. No blood draw is required, and the DNA from the cheek’s skin cells is just as reliable and accurate as the DNA in the blood.

Pre-Natal DNA Testing

Pregnant women who require a paternity test may wish to consider a non-invasive prenatal test. It is possible to perform this test as early as 8 weeks into the pregnancy. A blood sample is drawn from the mother's arm, from which DNA is extracted from both the baby and the mother. Using a cheek swab, DNA is collected from the alleged father. A comparison of the DNA samples is then conducted to establish paternity. Results for this type of test usually take 3 weeks, but they can be expedited to be ready in one week. The chain of custody paperwork is maintained throughout the process, and the test result is court admissible.

Benefits of Paternity Testing

DNA paternity testing has several personal benefits.

Peace of Mind

DNA paternity tests are more than 99% accurate, and their results are highly reliable. This determining factor allows you to be certain about the true paternity of the child and gives you complete peace of mind.

Accurate Medical History for Your Child

You also have some indication of the child's medical history if you know the true father of the child. If the father and his family have a history of serious medical conditions, you can take steps to ensure your child does not suffer from those conditions.

Obtain Financial Support

Courts place a high value on legally performed paternity tests. Once you have a positive test, it’s much easier to get child support from the father and social security benefits. You do not have to worry about financially caring for your child on your own. The same is true if the father gains custody.

The Father Relationship

It is a father's duty to love his children. When you take a paternity test, you'll find out who the real father is. As soon as the true father's identity is confirmed, he has a legal responsibility to maintain a relationship with his child.

Your Child Knows Their True Identity

Do you know someone who got adopted and never knew their true parents? They may have moved on, but some part of them always wonders about their biological roots. When your child knows who they truly are, they accept themselves and do not have to struggle with this question for the rest of their lives.

Paternity testing is very useful and has several benefits for the mother, the father, the child, and extended family members. The important point is to make sure you follow proper legal processes if you want to establish paternity legally.

Where to Get Paternity Testing in St. Petersburg, Florida

Fastest Labs is a reliable and reputable provider of DNA testing services for paternity testing in St. Petersburg, Florida. By using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, Fastest Labs provides accurate and confidential paternity testing services. We offer a wide range of paternity testing services, including legal paternity testing, non-legal paternity testing, and prenatal paternity testing. Our legal paternity testing services are court-admissible and comply with all legal paternity testing requirements. Fastest Labs provides rapid and accurate paternity testing services. Fastest Labs of St. Pete also ensures test results' confidentiality. Whatever the reason for your need for paternity testing is, come visit our lab at Fastest Labs for professional paternity testing services.
