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Blogs from July, 2024

Honesty in Hair Drug Tests: The Importance of Timing for Accurate Results

At Fastest Labs Of Webster, we believe in doing the right thing, even when it's hard. Recently, a donor came to us, nervous about an upcoming hair test for his job. He admitted to making a one-time mistake and using drugs at a party last week. He wanted a hair test done immediately.

We could have taken his money and done the test, but we knew that would be wrong. Here's why.

Understanding Hair Drug Tests

Hair drug tests are different from other types of drug tests. They can detect drug use over a longer period, usually up to 90 days, or more with body hair. However, it takes 7-12 days for the hair to grow enough to show any drug metabolites. This means if you used drugs recently, it won’t show up in a hair test right away.

Doing the Right Thing

do the right thing

When the donor came to us, we explained that it would take at least two weeks for any drug metabolites to appear in his hair. If we did the test right then, it would come back negative, giving him false hope. He might then get a positive result later when his employer does their test. This would have been a world of hurt for this donor.

We chose to refuse the test and not take his money because it was the right thing to do. Our priority is accurate and reliable results, not just making a quick buck.

Why Integrity Matters

Many hair drug test places might not care about these details. They could take your money and do the test, knowing it’s too soon to get an accurate result. At Fastest Labs, we believe in honesty and integrity. We want to provide you with the most reliable results possible, even if it means saying no sometimes.

Choosing a Trustworthy Testing Service

When looking for a hair test or a "hair test near me," it's important to choose a service that cares about accuracy and ethics. We offer fast hair drug tests, but we also ensure that the timing is right to give you accurate results. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions, not just take your money.

If you need a hair test trust Fastest Labs, a service that values integrity and accuracy. We’re here to provide reliable and ethical testing. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a test at the right time.
